Wearable device for divers to alert of the risk of DCS

Decompression Sickness (DCS) is a condition developed when nitrogen dissolved in blood and tissues at high pressure forms bubbles as pressure decreases. Recreational and professional scuba divers worldwide try to minimize the risk of suffering from DCS by following decompression tables empirically developed to determine ascension rates sufficiently slow to allow nitrogen to diffuse before nucleating bubbles. But even complying with recommended practices, it is found that 3% of dives end up with divers experiencing DCS symptoms. SIL Technologies is developing a game-changing wearable device able to eliminate the risk to develop DCS by detecting in real-time incipient bubbles in the bloodstream, alerting the diver to stop ascension before noticing symptoms.

SIL Technologies presenting the wearable device at the Las Vegas 2018 DEMA show

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Seed investment from the US National Science Foundation